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Europe Jacques Delors Newsletter / May 2024

European elections matter. A lot! 

Dear readers,

the European election will take place in less than two weeks from 6 to 9 June, an opportunity for Europe's 450 million citizens to choose those who will represent their interests in the European Parliament and shape the next five years in EU policymaking. For this occasion, Europe Jacques Delors and its sister think tanks, the Jacques Delors Institute in Paris and the Jacques Delors Centre in Berlin, have joined forces to provide you with high-quality analysis through a wide selection of articles, podcasts, videos, and publications.

In the past few months, geopolitical issues have taken centre stage in the EU, partially eclipsing ecological and climate issues and fostering what has been dubbed a ‘green backlash.’ To what extent is the Green Deal under threat, and is this phenomenon a reality? Our sister think tank in Berlin, the Jacques Delors Centre, published a new report showing that a majority of voters in France, Germany, and Poland support more ambitious climate policies. There is an upward trend among young people planning to participate in the upcoming elections. This surge in youth engagement is particularly reassuring as they advocate for more robust environmental protection, signaling a clear demand for sustainable policies.

Meanwhile, the Jacques Delors Institute in Paris has revealed a new study underlining the low probability of a change in the central coalition in the European Parliament. Evidence shows that the European People's Party (EPP) favors a cooperation with the "grand coalition", which includes the Socialists & Democrats and Renew, over the more far-right ECR group. Moreover, the data shows a growing distance between the EPP and ECR in the plenary votes during this past mandate.

Europe Jacques Delors’ latest publications and events show that the continuation of the Green Deal beyond the finishing mandate is an urgent necessity. The green transition of the agri-food value chain remains a must and can go hand in hand with a better income and lifestyle for farmers, especially the smaller ones. Our recently released  Manifesto for a European Ocean Pact shows that in this vast domain which makes up 71% of our planet, the three components of sustainable development (economic, social and environmental) can and must go hand in hand.   
Finally, at the last Jacques Delors Conference in Paris, all the speakers agreed that the European Green Deal must continue, joining the positions expressed by our three sister institutes. This unified stance underscores the critical need for ongoing environmental reforms in the full respect of the sustainable development philosophy, dear to our common founder Jacques Delors.


Geneviève Pons, Director-General and Vice-President

Stay informed on the European Elections

As the EU elections draw nearer, we are delighted to announce that we have set up a dedicated webpage on our website! In collaboration with our sisters in Paris (Institut Jacques Delors) and Berlin (Jacques Delors Centre), we have compiled all the resources you need to understand what is at stake at this crucial moment. What are the pivotal topics of this term’s electoral campaign? What is to be expected from this time’s elections? How will flagship policies such as the European Green Deal or the new EU Pact on Migration and Asylum and key issues such as foreign and security policy or enlargement be affected? Find out more on our EU elections webpage!

Stay informed on the elections

Towards a more inclusive, sustainable, and cooperative EU agricultural trade: Lessons from practice (TradeHUB paper)

23 May 2024
Pascal Lamy, Geneviève Pons, Sophia Hub, Cláudia Azevedo

The EU has positioned itself as a frontrunner for global food system sustainability, using its trade policy as a lever to advance environmental action. Our latest policy brief provides insight and recommendations for further progress in food system sustainability at European level, focusing specifically on the support measures necessary to accompany the implementation of the EU’s Deforestation Regulation (EUDR), as well as avenues for a more inclusive and cooperative approach to EU trade agreements as drivers of sustainable food systems.
Read the policy brief

Our Manifesto for a European Ocean Pact is now available in French

Pascal Lamy, Geneviève Pons, Eliott Valverde

This month, we are pleased to announce the release of the French version of the Manifesto for a European Ocean Pact, co-initiated by Europe Jacques Delors and the Oceano Azul Foundation and supported by a panel of 29 high-level stakeholders. Unveiled last month in a series of events in Athens and in Brussels, the Manifesto for a European Ocean Pact proposes a ground-breaking initiative aiming to drive forward a comprehensive ocean agenda for the next legislature. Drawing inspiration from the EU’s Mission Starfish 2030 - Restore our Ocean and Waters, the Manifesto for a European Ocean Pact recognises the intrinsic link between the prosperity of our societies and the health of our ocean and waters, thus advocating for a holistic approach.


Read the manifesto in French
The video of Re-thinking Europe's fourth episode is out 

21 May 2024

How does deforestation impact local communities and smallholder farmers in producer countries? Can the EU’s Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) contribute to a global move towards deforestation-free supply chains and more sustainable agri-food practices? Watch Brazilian researcher Louise Nakagawa’s story from our latest podcast episode “Next Stop - Deforestation-Free Supply Chains?” to find out! Listen to the full episode on SpotifyDeezer and Apple Podcasts, and stay tuned for our upcoming fifth episode which will delve into the impacts of various Green Deal initiatives on the EU's partner countries.

Watch the video
Re-Publication: The case for a Buy European and Sustainable Act compatible with EU and WTO Law

15 May 2024
Clémentine Baldon

Public procurement can be a powerful lever to achieve policy goals, in particular with regard to sustainability policies and circular economy. However, despite its many benefits, the EU has not made full use of this tool yet to increase green demand and accelerate the low-carbon transition. In this perspective, lawyer and ESSEC Business School lecturer Clémentine Baldon provides a thought-provoking analysis of the possibilities of including local content requirements and climate criteria into EU public procurement under EU and WTO law. This legal analysis contributes to the debate around the possibility of implementing a “Buy European and Sustainable Act” at European level.
Read the paper
Blog Post: What should the EU do to keep its sustainability agenda after the European elections?

6 May 2024
Geneviève Pons, Sophie Pornschlegel, Cláudia Azevedo, Arianna Lombari, Martin Binachon, Eliott Valverde, Helena van Thiel  

In our newest blog post, “What should the EU do to keep its sustainability agenda after the European elections?”, our analysts provide recommendations on which steps the EU should take to pursue an ambitious sustainability agenda after the EU elections. Faced with fierce opposition to the Green Deal, the EU must take a comprehensive approach to sustainability and not only consider its environmental, economic and social aspects, but also place them in both their internal and external dimensions. Hence, it is crucial to ensure that the EU’s sustainability policies are effective in protecting our environment and climate, accepted by citizens and international partners and aligned with geopolitical demands.


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Blog post: Elargissement et agroalimentaire européen

29 April 2024
Pascal Lamy

At the end of last month, Europe Jacques Delors’ Vice President Pascal Lamy had the opportunity to be auditioned by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) on the intersection between future enlargement possibilities and the EU’s evolving agri-food sector. In his contribution, he analysed the opportunities and challenges posed by Ukraine’s potential accession to the EU and stressed the technical and political conditions for a more sustainable European agri-food industry.


Read the blog post (in French)
Blog Post: What should the EU do to keep its sustainability agenda after the European elections?

6 May 2024
Geneviève Pons, Sophie Pornschlegel, Cláudia Azevedo, Arianna Lombari, Martin Binachon, Eliott Valverde, Helena van Thiel  

In our newest blog post, “What should the EU do to keep its sustainability agenda after the European elections?”, our analysts provide recommendations on which steps the EU should take to pursue an ambitious sustainability agenda after the EU elections. Faced with fierce opposition to the Green Deal, the EU must take a comprehensive approach to sustainability and not only consider its environmental, economic and social aspects, but also place them in both their internal and external dimensions. Hence, it is crucial to ensure that the EU’s sustainability policies are effective in protecting our environment and climate, accepted by citizens and international partners and aligned with geopolitical demands.


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Blog post: Elargissement et agroalimentaire européen

29 April 2024
Pascal Lamy

At the end of last month, Europe Jacques Delors’ Vice President Pascal Lamy had the opportunity to be auditioned by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) on the intersection between future enlargement possibilities and the EU’s evolving agri-food sector. In his contribution, he analysed the opportunities and challenges posed by Ukraine’s potential accession to the EU and stressed the technical and political conditions for a more sustainable European agri-food industry.


Read the blog post (in French)
30 May 2024 II Débat : Quels enjeux pour les élections européennes du 9 juin ?

Jean-François Pons 

Jean-François Pons, Europe Jacques Delors Associate researcher, spoke at General Meeting of the International Association of Former European Union Staff (AIACE). In discussing the central issues of the upcoming European Elections, he emphasised the early successes of the European Green Deal, in addressing climate and environmental concerns across all economic sectors. Going forward, it will be crucial for the EU to support small and medium-sized enterprises as well as low-income households in implementing measures for the green transition. Jean-François Pons concluded with a call for citizens, and especially the youth, to use their vote in the upcoming elections in support of parties that have supported the Green Deal and will uphold it in the next mandate. .

30 May 2024 II Understanding the New Dynamics of Agri-Food Trade

Pascal Lamy

In this guest lecture co-hosted by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and the Peterson Institute for International Economics (PIIE) in Washington D.C., EJD Vice-President Pascal Lamy delved into the complexities of global agri-food trade, focusing on the impacts of geopolitical tensions, conflicts and climate change on food security and poverty particularly in developing countries. The lecture was followed by a panel featuring distinguished agri-food experts, who discussed some of the approaches suggested by Pascal Lamy for aligning trade policy with climate, sustainability and poverty reduction objectives. You may find the recording of the event here.

Stay tuned for our upcoming blog post which will further develop some of the many interesting insights from the event's discussions. 

29 May 2024 II Meeting of civil society organisations with Nicolas Schmit
Ahead of the European Elections, Europe Jacques Delors was invited to join a meeting of civil society organisations and trade unions with the Party of European Socialists’ (PES) common candidate Nicolas Schmit to discuss key priorities for the next mandate. Our Director-General and Vice-President Geneviève Pons attended this meeting and used the opportunity to present the Manifesto for a European Ocean Pact, which charts a path for the protection of a strategic and comprehensive approach to protecting our ocean in the next EU cycle and beyond.
28 May 2024 II Ocean Pitch Challenge Grand Final
In this 4th edition of the annual Ocean Pitch Challenge, 218 applicants from 49 countries proposed their ideas for economically viable solutions to protect the oceans. 10 finalists were selected by experts of the Blue Economy and trained in their pitching technique for the grand final. Europe Jacques Delors’ Director-General Geneviève Pons, was once again member of the jury and took part in selecting the 3 winners of the 2024 edition whose projects range from reducing underwater noise to boosting coral microbiomes.
24 May 2024 II Jacques Delors Conference
The Jacques Delors Conference organised by the Académie Notre Europe, is an annual opportunity for young Europeans to discuss the future of the EU with experts and decision makers. In light of the upcoming European Elections this year’s discussions revolved around the range of issues that will shape the next cycle including defence, cohesion, and external relations. Amidst all of these issues the crucial importance of pursuing an ambitious Green Deal was emphasised both by EJD Vice-President Pascal Lamy in his introductory keynote, and by Mariya Gabriel, Bulgarian Deputy Prime Minister and former EU Commissioner in her conversation with our Director-General Geneviève Pons.
15 May 2024 II Tribute to Jacques Delors City of Brussels
Organised by the mayor of Brussels, Philipe Close together with Martine Aubry, mayor of Lille, this event paid tribute to the late Jacques Delors through a panel debate looking forward to the future of Europe. Europe Jacques Delors’ President Etienne Davignon highlighted the need for ambitious initiatives to drive forward the European project. 
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