Executive Summary
The EU started using its trade policy as a lever for environmental action, setting itself up as a frontrunner for global food system sustainability. This paper provides policy recommendations of how the EU could advance food systems sustainability further, focusing on two key policy developments: 1) the implementation of the EU Regulation on deforestation-free products (EUDR); 2) trade agreements as drivers of sustainable food systems.
Regarding the EUDR’s implementation, its success will depend on the adoption of accompanying support measures. The EU must bolster its efforts to increase smallholder inclusion, support, and protection to ensure they are not cut out of trade with the EU. It must also step up its cooperation with partner countries by exploring new partnerships, as well as build on best practices and successful initiatives to promote policy coordination and technical alignment. By catering to the needs of the most vulnerable actors in value chains and building resilient partnerships with developing partner countries, the EU can maximise the regulation’s impact and ensure its smooth and effective implementation.
This paper then offers an overview of the evolution and state of play of sustainability matters in EU trade agreements, showcasing a path for a more inclusive, sustainable, and cooperative approach going forward. It emphasises the need to enhance inclusiveness and transparency in trade processes, especially by involving smallholder farmers and marginalised communities in trade negotiations. As the EU’s sustainability stance is facing mounting opposition from partner countries, trade agreements should serve as platforms for strengthening cooperation and dialogue on sustainability issues. Besides, they should be leveraged to complement the EU’s autonomous measures, like the EUDR.