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Le programme de la Présidente (de la Commission européenne) Von der Leyen

Le 18 Juillet 2024, sur proposition du Conseil européen, Mme von der Leyen a été élue Présidente de la Commission de l’UE par le Parlement à la majorité de ses 720 membres (481 voix contre 284).
Avant ce vote, la candidate a prononcé un discours-programme devant l’Assemblée présentant ses principales priorités pour la durée de son mandat de cinq ans (2024/2029).
Ce discours est important dans la mesure où il a déterminé le vote de l’assemblée et où il engage la nouvelle Présidente à effectivement en oeuvre ce programme.  
Il se présente sous la forme de 22 points/paragraphes (« Political guidelines » ) dont l’ordre choisi doit aussi retenir l’attention.
Nous reprenons ici - sous forme de courtes citations - chacun de ces points :
Making business easier and faster. We need to deepen our Single Market across the board. We need less reporting, less bureaucracy, and more trust, better enforcement and faster permitting.
I will put forward a new Clean Industrial Deal in the first 100 days.
Bring down energy bills. Ensure that the era of dependency on Russian fossil fuels is over.
Completing our Capital Markets Union and mobilising more private financing. 
To unleash private investment, we also need public funding. Our new budget will be reinforced. I will propose a new European Competitiveness Fund.
Europe will stand with Ukraine for as long as it takes.
Now is therefore the time to build a true European Defence Union. For example, a comprehensive aerial defence system – a European Air Shield
Organised criminal networks are infiltrating our economy. I will propose to double Europol's staff and strengthen its mandate. I want Europol to become a truly operational police agency.
We must also do more to secure our external borders. We must strengthen Frontex
We need a common approach on returns (…) ; develop our comprehensive partnerships. I will appoint a Commissioner for the region, and propose a new Agenda for the Mediterranean
Inviting countries into our Union is a moral, a historical and a political responsibility. Completing our Union is also in our core interest. And it will be a core priority for my Commission
12. GAZA
Europe has a responsibility in the Middle East. the bloodshed in Gaza must stop now The two-state solution is the best way
I launched the Strategic Dialogue on the Future of Agriculture in Europe I will present a plan for agriculture to address the need to adapt to climate change
15/16. SOCIAL
We need a new action plan for the implementation of the Pillar of social rights. We will develop a European Affordable Housing Plan,
We must enable young people to make the most of Europe's freedoms. We will tackle the plague of cyber-bullying (and) the impact of social media on the wellbeing of young people.
There is much more to do. So let us work together to develop a Roadmap for Women's Rights
We must prevent hostile foreign actors from interfering in our democratic processes (cases of spying, cyber-attacks, corruption and disinformation) The Commission will propose a European Democracy Shield.
We will protect our free media and civil society. The rule of law and the fight against corruption will be at the heart of our work. Respecting the rule of law is a must for EU funds. Conditionality mechanism (…) is non-negotiable.
We need an ambitious reform agenda to ensure the functioning of a larger Union and to increase democratic legitimacy. While reforms were necessary before, with enlargement they become indispensable.I believe we need Treaty change where it can improve our Union.
A l’occasion de son prochain vote sur l’approbation de l’ensemble du collège de la Commission (prévu pour la session de Novembre 2024), le Parlement aura aussi l’occasion de se prononcer sur ce programme. 
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