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Development, security and energy: improving coherence, by Amelia Hadfield & Richard Youngs

The ethos of EU development policy is changing. Incorporating both political and security goals, EU development co-operation has taken on a more holistic identity. It is increasingly linked to more ambitious outcomes in which good governance, human rights, conflict resolution and the challenges of sustainability all play a part.

This widened scope provides a platform to engage with EU policy on energy security. This document, funded under the Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities theme of
EDC2020 and co-ordinated by EADI, provides a snapshot of the policy connections linking development, broad security goals and specific energy objectives.

Can the EU effectively manage a policy nexus between securitised development and energy security ? It certainly has the potential to do so. But fundamental policy changes are required before it can claim to be on the road towards this goal.

=> The full version of this publication is available in english there : COM_Development_Security_ENG_sep08.pdf COM_Development_Security_ENG_sep08.pdf

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