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Joint European Commission – EDA Workshop on Research & Innovation for Cyber Defence and for combating Cyber Crime (23 octobre 2012 - Bruxelles)

Event date: 23/10/2012
Location: Fondation Universitaire, Rue d'Egmont 11 - 1000 Brussels - (Belgium)

Joint European Commission – EDA Workshop
Sponsored by EDA and DG Enterprise and Industry

Information security is of paramount importance, given the ubiquitous relevance of digital systems in daily life.

The frequency and scale of attacks on them challenge core values of our society, such as free flow of information and ideas. Innovation and R&D are necessary to make these systems more robust and to detect and protect against those acts that are of criminal nature.

The vast complexity and strategic importance of information security for Public Security as well as Security and Defence, compels us to make best use of synergies in security and defence related research, by coordinating efforts and programmes. Hence, this workshop on Cyber Defence and Cyber Crime R&D will be organised under the European Framework Cooperation (EFC) of the European Commission, the European Space Agency and the European Defence Agency

In this context, representatives of Member States and EU institutions, research institutes and industry are invited to this workshop.

Objective of the workshop

The workshop will help shaping the orientation and content of future R&D efforts for the coming years in the areas of cyber defense and for combating cyber crime.

Topics of the workshop include :
- Cyber Defense for utility networks/critical infrastructures (including space systems) supporting governmental activities (loosely or not at all connected to telecommunication networks)
- Advanced Detection Technologies (including monitoring and visualization techniques)
- Enhanced network protection, protection of wireless systems
- Digital Forensics
- Identity theft
- Controlled data sharing
- Architectures, standardization
- Cryptography

If you want to register for this workshop, please go to the EDA website : http://www.eda.europa.eu/News/12-07-23/Workshop_on_Research_and_Innovation_for_Cyber_Defence_and_for_Combating_Cyber_Crime"
See also the digital agenda of the European Union, particularly :
Pillar III: Trust and Security

Only 12% of European web users feel completely safe making online transactions. Threats such as malicious software and online fraud unsettle consumers and dog efforts to promote the online economy. The Digital Agenda proposes a number of practical solutions, including a coordinated European response to cyber-attacks and reinforced rules on personal data protection.



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