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31 Juillet 2012
Foreword from Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science
As the Commissioner responsible for the Joint Research Centre (JRC) I am delighted to introduce the JRC Strategy 2010-2020. This strategy represents a real leap forward for the JRC. It follows extensive consultation with stakeholders and incorporates the recommendations of an assessment group chaired by Sir David King. The JRC has developed from its nuclear beginnings under the EURATOM Treaty. It diversified into other scientific areas in the 1980s and has been closely associated with EU policy making in the last decade. The time has now come for a new era in the development of the JRC as encapsulated in its new vision statement “to be a trusted provider of science-based policy options to EU policy makers to address key challenges facing our society, underpinned by internationally-recognised research.”
This development comes just as the EU is starting to implement its Europe 2020 strategy, which is designed to lead Europe out of the economic crisis and turn it into a world leader in smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. Research and Innovation are key to our reaching these goals, which is why I will present a multi-annual Research and Innovation Plan for Europe that will essentially be the cornerstone of a European Innovation Union. I am pleased that the JRC with its new strategy takes the responsibility for underpinning both Europe 2020 and the Research and Innovation Plan with the integrated science needed. At the same time, it will continue to meet its legal obligations and deliver the technical support required for other policy areas of major concern for Europeans, for example in the field of safety and security. In particular, I welcome the move to provide more socio-economic research and policy analysis and to establish the horizon scanning and foresight capacity needed to prepare the Commission for issues that might not yet be on its radar.
In addition, I am convinced that the “new JRC” will play an important role in the maturing of the European Research Area (ERA), which in turn is essential to Europe 2020. The JRC will contribute through mobility and training, the further opening of its research infrastructures, its participation in Joint Programming in research, knowledge transfer including open access to JRC databases, and support for connecting the ERA with the wider world.
In a globalised economy with complex societal challenges and rapid technological progress, the European Commission more than ever needs the services of a world-class research organisation capable of adapting and delivering integrated solutions. In order to make this happen I will ensure that the JRC is equipped with the tools and the flexibility to attract the most brilliant talents from across Europe and beyond.
In implementing this strategy, I am confident that the JRC will play an integral part in creating an economy based on knowledge and innovation, improving competitiveness and stimulating growth that is greener and delivers the jobs of the future.
See the strategy : jrc strategy 2010 short en
About this issue, see the following article : La Commission européenne va s'appuyer sur la nouvelle stratégie de son Centre commun de recherche pour élaborer ses politiques - nouvelle édition -