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Migrating Towards Participation : Immigrants and Their Descendants in the Political Process, by Rodrigo Castro Nacarino, Vít Novotný and John Lageson (Centre for European Studies)


CES-Centre for European Studies

5th November 2012

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Migrating Towards Participation:

Immigrants and Their Descendants
in the Political Process

 Rodrigo Castro Nacarino, Vít Novotný
and John Lageson
Published by
Centre for European Studies

CES Publication alert

Improving the political integration of immigrants is an important task for the European Union. The number of people with an immigrant background in the EU is gradually rising, a trend that is expected to continue. As a result, immigrants and their descendants are likely to play an increasingly significant role in the political life of Member States, as well as at the European level. Nevertheless, political parties in the EU seem to have neglected this phenomenon. Immigrants from third countries and their descendants rarely appear as party members; party leaders at the local, regional, national and EU levels; or as paid officials or candidates. Political parties should therefore consider more carefully the political potential of immigrants and their descendants.



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