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Springeneration - Overview of Survey Results (Centre for European Studies)



Publication Alert

Springeneration - Overview of Survey Results

The Centre for European Studies (CES) is pleased to publish the results of the ‘Springeneration’ public opinion initiative. This interactive, online brainstorming website (located at www.springeneration.eu) has served as a forum for gathering ideas and feedback from people in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) about how to forge a new and better partnership with Europe. Over the past six months, the website has collected over 25,000 ideas from more than 70,000 participants, the vast majority of whom are in MENA countries. How did the people of the MENA region respond and what do they see as the opportunities for future collaboration with Europe? Find out in the CES’s short publication titled ‘Springeneration: Overview of Survey Results’. 

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